Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Tomato

My First Tomato of the Season
July 25th

Peppers & Tomatoes...

Unknown Pepper

Unknown Pepper
So, the peppers I planted this year were a mixed bag of hot and sweet.
I have no clue what I am going to get.


Zinnias and other flowers 


Zucchini flowers

Sunflower Woes

My Sunflowers, before I left for NJ


My sad Sunflowers as of Friday, when I got back. The storm snapped their necks :( 
I am so bummed. 


So I cut them down

and the cats loved it

They are really pretty

Last Week

Riding to Sommerville

Riding with Josh to or from Sommerville

Buying Peugeots

This is from last weekend when I went to pick up my new Peugeot with Leo and Josh, there wasn't enough room in the car after we loaded the bikes in the back, ooops


Matt at the lake where I live in NJ

The Lake

Steve at the firepit
Steve attempting to start the fire

Red Spotted Newt
Red spotted newt, I caught it on the hike to go cliff jumping

Saturday, July 25, 2009

This was on my bed....

When I got home from NJ.

I love getting packages in the mail.

These are Libbey glasses.
I collect these things from the 50's-80's:
Corning Ware/ Correll

but I am really particular about what of each I keep.

Ill post of this eventually.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Few Days

In New Jersey, see ya later.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Biggest Worm Ever


Zucchini for Supper


Leo and I had Zucchini from the garden for supper:

2 green Zucchinis

from the market:
2 yellow squash 
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 onion
1 clove garlic
with a bit of salt & pepper

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sienna Baby

Sienna talking it over with the bird on the fence.





Baby Bird

This is what that crazy bird is attacking me for, this little baby hiding in a shrub next to my garden. It is so tiny.

More July


Monday, July 13, 2009

The Detroit of Gardens

The white glow on the 1st pole to the left is the bird

Instead of 'drive by shootings', I now have 
'Fly By Peckings'!

Resting in a tree above my garden is this cute little nest belonging to some simple little bird.

It must have recently laid eggs because  I went outside yesterday and this little guy was resting on the fence, really close to Sienna, odd for a bird to go right up to a dog.
In the top left is the nest, directly over the garden

Seconds later WHOOSH, this bird swoops down and pecks her. She runs, and WHOOSH, it swoops down, I turn, and smack, he flew right into me.

Sienna barking at the bird

I scream, Dan comes out and of course he doesn't believe me.
and then
WHOOSH, swoops down to Dan.

As if that wasn't ridiculous enough I went out to the garden today and the bird is waiting for.

I am now frightened to be out in the garden.

I bend down to weed and he dive bombing me.

Late afternoon and he is still watching me 

Orion watching everything, this window faces the garden

Friday, July 10, 2009


As of this morning my tomatoes ARE NOT infected with Late Blight.

So many people near me have spotted it, I am getting so nervous.

I pruned off the stems on the lower 4 in. of all my plants and am keeping a look out.

And the Tallest goes too....



At just over 6ft tall and carrying 50+ tomatoes counted as of this morning!

Tomatoes 1,2,3......16

From 1-16, in order, the 1st tomatoes from each plant I am growing.

There are 3 more Mortgage Lifters, but sadly not even flowering yet.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Im so bummed...

The top is JULY 2008, the bottom is JULY 2009

Major difference
2008 had better squash growth

From all the rain and barely any sunshine the warm weather veggies are half of what they should be right now.

I'll be surprised if I get anything from my Pumpkin, Watermelon, Turk's Turban & Spaghetti Squash plants.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunflower Growth

June 23rd ---------------- July 3rd

They grew a foot in 10 days.

Late Blight.... {cringe}

I've been checking daily, for Late Blight, which is sadly heading up the coast.

For those who don't know:

Late Blight is most notably know as the disease that was responsible for the Irish potato famine in the mid-nineteenth century.  Only effects potatoes and tomatoes and is caused by the fungus-like oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans.  It can infect and destroy the leaves, stems, fruits, and tubers of potato and tomato plants.

Symptoms: Water-soaked spots appear on leaves and stems, enlarge rapidly, and turn brown or black. Under humid conditions, a ring or surface of white mold may appear on the leaf underside at the lesion's edge. In cool, wet weather, blight may advance rapidly and ruin an entire field in a few days.  This is according to Oregon State University Pant Disease Control

It is caused by extended periods of leaf wetness, combined with cool to moderate temperatures and lack of sunshine (sounds like NE, hmmm) this combination results in perfect conditions for many crop disease pathogens.  The problem is that it seen later on in the summer, not now, and it is been reported in NY & NJ, not good.  It is carried by storm winds, which could help it land right smack in New England, our weather and lack of sunshine has created an ideal situation for the plant disease.  

Friday, July 3, 2009

July Garden


Garden Update pt. II

Garden Progress

Now that I can actually walk in the Garden without getting soaked, 
Here is an update:
Pumpkin, Turks Turban, & Watermelon
Strawberry Runners