Monday, April 27, 2009


Nozzles, hahaha, from This Old House website.
Im Getting a Garden Hose!

I know that sounds silly and ridiculous.... what was I using to water my garden before you ask?


Last summer I had to transport my water from my kitchen to the garden using those drinking water jugs.

I sliced the side off and used the spout as a makeshift watering can.

It was so bad, I mean it worked, but you try making 3-4 trips out your kitchen, open a door, down the stairs,  & out another door, all while making sure not to spill the water or let any of the 3 cats or 1 dog out of the house!

But this year I finally talked to my landlord, who took away the hose because homeless people were using it to clean their cans every week, and without hesitation he said sure.

So as of this week I will have my own garden hose.
For everyone who has one don't take it for granted.

I have to figure out what type of nozzle I want, I am so psyched.

Phosphorus deficiency

Right leaf, second set of true leafs, purple fading thanks to using Earth Juice, MicroBlast.

Healthy tomato plant a week later.

Micro-nutrient Deficiency

I use 

Earth Juice, MicroBlast

When my seedlings get their second set of true leaves I start using this liquid fertilizer in my water routine.
A little here and there makes a huge difference.

It's also really easy to identify Phosphorus/ Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies.
A little purpling on the underside of tomato leaves is the true sign.
*Keep in mind, purpling could also be from under/ over watering and lack of light.

Check this out for other Tomato plant problems: