So it's the end of the season, time to take everything down.
here is my list:
-Squash- they died extremely early this year, thanks to Vine Borers.

From the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture
- Zucchini- produced a lot in the beginning and then died off by Aug.
- Watermelon- produced 2 small unedible melons thanks to the pest problem
-Spaghetti Squash- while pulling the tomatoes I found 1!!!!! It hasn't ripened yet but soon will.

You can see it at the bottom hanging from the Morning Glory
- Tomatoes go (I ended up getting Late Bight, Oct. is better than July...)
- Remove tomato supports
The pile of tomato supports and strawberry buckets, they took over every container in the garden
- Prune & tie back Blackberries
- Pull dead/dying flowers