Friday, March 13, 2009

Sienna & the Seed Collection

I laid the seeds out to take a photo and Sienna walked over and plopped down directly in the sunny spot.

Here are my seeds for this season, they finally came in the mail on Monday and I planted my Peppers, Eggplant, Marigolds, and a few others on March 10th. 

Compost Bucket

hmm this week.....

Sunday- Kevin decided he didn't like us anymore and moved out. (not really, he only moved in to stay for the month, he/ we just didn't realize how great it was going to be)  I totally spent sunday afternoon doing stupid things around the house (filling in holes/ garden nonsense). 

  Ohh and had an awesome dinner for 11 people at my house. Eggplant Parm., music, apples to apples and garlic bread.  There was supposed to be some BIG LOVE, but I felt bad because Josh couldn't come. *im saving it for him

Monday-   hmmm.  Common was good. 

Tuesday- I really don't know if I did anything too significant..... I fed Jena's cat. Went to WFM with Jenny B. & Heather. Walked home with Johnny. 

Wednesday- Background nonsense at work *House of Blues* , then I picked up stuff at school. Fed Sophie.  Then went home and rearranged my room.  Aaron eventually came over and we watched Girl 27, a semi interesting documentary.