Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Old Work, mas or menos....

Some quick scans of some really old work.... Yacov, Martha, y Rich. 

 Ehh, so classes started Monday and I've been debating on what to do about classes and finishing, as this is supposed to be my last semester......
Im not going to worry about it so much because everything always works out some how.
Going back the Patricia White housing will be refreshing, possibly thursday.

So my schedule goes as follow......
Wed. am class/ in the afternoon I'll be at Beth Israel Hospital....ugh!
Thursday midday class..... then party party party.... or not 
Friday...... babysitting 7am-5pm, twin 5 yr. olds and twin 15 month olds!

Today I did nothing really, Tommy lost his keys so he got out of his house and stopped by...
Then we took Brett's car downtown to the library to get the keys...
very exciting stuff

I love thisssssssss...
ohh and Heather moved out temporarily, I'm so bummed. 

Who am I going to make coffee with!?

The Fat Cat & The Sleepy Dog

So it has come to my attention that Taleen, my 2.5 yr old Russian Blue, is insanely obese!

According to numerous fact sheets on cats, of her specific breed, she should be between 7-9lbs.
-As of yesterday Taleen weighs 15.5 lbs.
I feel like the worst parent in the world.... 
Ever since she was spayed over the summer all she does is eat. 
Her food, Sienna's food, Oryan's food!
So starting today she is on a major diet.
As for Sienna....... She needs a bed of her own, I like the one above from Pet Expertise
Too bad they are extremely expensive!
Between the two of them they are extremely spoiled.... 
but what am I supposed to do, I love them <3