Sunday, August 23, 2009

Damn Rats

These are what would have been my largest Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes of the season,
atleast 2 lbs. each.

The rats got to them.


Cats with Fleas

Johns cats, Pizza & Jeffrey have fleas.

The problem is that his house has tons of cats and they all have fleas, 
so the solution was to put them in the empty room in my house, give them Frontline, and hope they go away before Sept. 1st.

So far so good.

Canning Salsa

The Bounty
Josh & I went down to Haymarket and City Hall Plaza for the Boston Green Festival.
Sorry no pictures, after riding our bikes the 5 or so miles there we were too hot to think about anything.

I Bought:
4lbs. roma tomatoes = $3
1lb. strawberries = $1
5 bulbs garlic = $1
4lbs. cherries = $3
2lbs. onions = $1
5 bell peppers = $2
1/2 lb. jalapenos = $.50
1/2 lb. long hot peppers = $.50

What I had (from the garden):
2 lbs. Roma, Black Krim, & Mortgage Lifter Tomatoes
a handful of Jalapenos
3 HOT green peppers (I have no clue what they were)

Roasting peppers

Josh doing 2 things at once

Salsa, 3 pints of fresh canned salsa

Sienna & the New Couch

The new couch is so comfy, Sienna will tell ya.

New Table


Bought a new table Friday, I'm going to do a "before" and "after" I'm just not done with it. 
So far I've sanded it down and primed it white. 

I have no idea what color to paint it.
I'm thinking.......




I've been buying dresses and skirts from the thrift store near my house and then fixing them to my liking, here are the 2 newest buys.

The top one is pretty fine on its own, little elephant pattern, I love how crazy it is.
The bottom one looks like a scarf but is way too long, so I'm going to hem it.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Sienna in the cat bed.
Heather sent this to me a few days ago.

The New Couch

John went to see Blink 182 so I had the zipcar for a few hours.
I drove the Salvation Army on rt 1 and found this fantastic couch

I made Dan drive me there the next day.
It matches the living room perfectly.

Building Bikes

I am so gross, it was so hot.

Josh & I were scrapping some frames John gave us and started getting an idea of what we need to build them up.

Covered in grease and sweat, Sienna had a good time.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I went to the thrift store a few days ago and bought that sill cat basket for $2 and those glasses, both from Libbey glass company. 

 I love thrift shopping, I still haven't had a chance to post the new couch, it's so cute.

Tall Tomatoes



Heather took pictures of me in the garden with Sienna yesterday

Everything is getting so big, the Tomatoes are behind me and are over 8ft. tall.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Urban Swimming


Heather swimming in the back yard bucket while I was cooking supper for everyone.

There is nothing more to say

August Garden

Squash & Peppers

Sugar Baby Watermelons
Because there was so much rain in the beginning of the Summer and no sun I basically gave up on having any squash at all...... 
Mira, 2 tiny Sugar Babies
2 Pepper Varieties
and WOWOWOW I will actually have a Pumpkin this Summer

Last year I had a perfect 20lb. Pumpkin.

I am still waiting to get anything from the Turks Turban and Spaghetti Squash.ugh/

Update for This Week


Roma & Black Krim
Mortgage Lifter
Black Krim

Since the sun started shining at the beginning of August everything has been amazing.

The Sunflowers are growing wild. 
The tomatoes, all varieties except the Rainbow Cherry are ripening.

My only problem are the RATS

eating all the tomatoes. 

Sienna in the Sun




Sienna has found a new place on top of the block wall.
sniffing flowers and trying to lick bees

Last Week Update

The first few days of August
Zucchini, Eggplant, Sungold Tomatoes, and my second Black Krim Tomato.
My first Black Krim was eaten by a rat because I didn't see it in time.
Sunflowers over 8ft tall now.