Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everybody wants to be a genius...

Between Inara George playing on my iTunes and the internet attempting to control my brain, I am running on no sleep.

This is the only positive conclusion my web "surfing" led to.....  Derrick Cruz.... but really....
The Selby by Todd Selby kept me busy for hours last night.
Photographs, paintings, and videos of mainly people in different aspects of the art industry.

From the spaces to the people, once I clicked on the Sofia Achaval/ Thibault de Montaigu set I was hooked.
I totally recommend The Selby for anyone looking for a laugh and some inspiration, whether it be style or interior decorating.  

Oooppppsss and I almost forgot about the photography (the main reason I found him) but what I am least interested in now, as collective blurbs about each person they work together, but I am way more interested in  the photographs because of the "things" in each image..... like that art school  statement, Is it an interesting photograph, or a photograph of interesting things....

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