Sunday, May 31, 2009


Thanks to the Plant ID section on, this "weed/ wildflower" has now been ID'd.

Is is in the far right corner of my garden, most likely from the lovely lady who gardened here before me.

It is about 2ft tall and 2 ft wide.

here are the plant specs
-grow up to six feet high w/ a width of two to three feet
-nicknames including: Aaron's Rod, Candlewick Plant, Cow Lungwort, Velvet Dock, Flannel Plant, Shepherd's Staff, torches, Our Lady's Flannel, Jacob's Staff, Beggar's Blanket, Hare's Beard and Old Man's Flannel
-in ancient times it was dipped in tallow and used as a torch, which was carried during ceremonies particularly in funerals
-medicinal herb particularly for lung problems
-to make a Mullein infusion, or tea, place one to two teaspoons of dried flowers and/or leaves (two to three times as much if using the fresh herb) for each cup in a pot and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain well to avoid ingestion of the hairs and pollen, which can cause an irritating itch in the mouth
-in Germany, the flowers are steeped in olive oil and then used for ear infections and hemorrhoids

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