Matt & I made the most delightful tart from the April/May ReadyMade magazine but we changed some things, so here is Matt's recipe:
Vegan Rice Pudding Peach Tart
1 bag gingersnap cookies (crushed)
1/4 canola oil
1 cup jasmine rice
2 cans light coconut milk
1/4 cup sugar
cinnamon to taste
3 sliced thinly
1 t canola oil
3 t sugar
10 inch fluted tart pan w/ removable bottom
1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Pour rice, coconut milk, & sugar into sauce pan and bring to a boil. Once boiling turn heat to low and let simmer for 15-20 min. until rice is cooked.
2. Crush gingersnaps and mix with canola oil, & spread crust evenly in bottom of greased Tart pan.
3. Pour finished rice pudding into crusted pan and bake for 10 minutes.
4. While baking, slice peaches and caramelize in oil, water, & sugar in saute pan on high heat until soft and yummy.
5. Once the tart is out of the oven allow to cool and cover with caramelized peaches.